Monday, April 18, 2016


My intentions to blog regularly during the transition from Minnesota to Virginia have not gone well. I think part of the challenge has been the energy it takes to make any kind of transition happen; I didn't have enough extra energy to blog regularly. And part of it is the transitional nature of the first few months living as an "Interim Minister."

By its very definition "interim" means temporary, so I haven't allowed myself to get too settled in Danville, Virginia, during my time on interim status. That's not to say that I haven't jumped into learning people's names, listening to legacy stories, tending to pastoral care needs, and preaching every Sunday as if I were "permanent." It does mean that I haven't (yet) fully unpacked my 50 boxes of books, organized my church or home office, or really stocked my kitchen shelves.

I must admit that in some ways it has been freeing to have the emotional space that the past three months in Danville have afforded me. At the same time, I have been patiently awaiting the word of our Bishop as to my future. I am grateful that my District Superintendent has been so supportive and advocated on my behalf at the Cabinet (United Methodist language for the Bishop and his/her District Superintendents who make decisions about pastoral appointments) that I remain at Danville: Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church. Yesterday during worship the announcement was made that it is the intention of Bishop Cho that I be appointed to Mount Vernon UMC through June 30, 2017. This is customary UM-speak, as we clergy as appointed year-by-year in the itinerant system we utilize.

Because I am a clergy member of the Minnesota Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, my status in the Virginia Conference is "elder on loan," and as such I am not accorded some of the same "tenure" privileges accorded "full member" clergy. After two years of service as an Elder on Loan I am able to request a "change in relationship" via the Virginia Conference Board of Ordained Ministry.

So, finally I am able to more fully settle in emotionally as Mount Vernon's Pastor (or "Minister" as the descriptor is often used in this part of the world)!

This morning my heart is filled with gratitude. It is a lovely spring morning in Southside Virginia with abundant sunshine, and a crispness in the air which will soon lead to a balmy temperature in the upper 70s. Waxing momentarily nostalgic, I am grateful for more than twenty years of pastoral ministry in my home state, Minnesota. So many faces and events flash through my mind as I venture through the places where I have served Christ with so many wonderful people all through these years. In the midst of many good memories there are, of course, those situations and challenges that have caused pain and discouragement (for me as well as for others, I am sure). Without fully recognizing it, I believe I have been seeking for some time a new opportunity in a new place. I have always attributed my prior restlessness to a quirk of my personality, but for the time being I feel settled and enjoying the opportunity for stability.

The verse that has traveled with me since December 2015 is Psalm 40:1: "I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry."  I cannot believe how fortunate I am at mid-life to have the opportunity for a new journey, a new place to love. Rather than spending time preoccupied with filling space until retirement and slipping into obscurity, I get to navigate a new geographical region with unique people and culture. I am able to develop another series of networks to do good in this part of the world. The blessings these new opportunities afford helps assuage my sense of loss in being so far removed from my family (especially my grandchildren!)

Finally I can begin to unpack those books!